Every few months, I take the time to cleanse my body, rejuvenate and refresh myself. My dosa, pita is my body type, craves a cleanse when its needed. Are you ready for a 3 day cleanse? Are you overloaded with toxins, feeling blue, unbalanced, bloated, anxious, indifferent, frustrated, or confused? Are you filled up with social media, digital overload, processed, sugary, salt enhanced foods that unbalances our mind, body and soul? Ayurveda is the ancient, 1000’s of year old proven health system of India. Small adjustments in your food intake can change your mood, energy level and perspective. Your body type requires certain types of herbs and nourishments in your daily intake. Each of our body type requires a balance in foods. Too much, too little creates imbalances in our moods, digestion and overall health longevity just by eating the wrong foods for our body type. For the first part of cleansing, try CCF tea. You make your own with fresh Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel Seeds as delicious you can add fresh Ginger. Drink your warm water tea to detox and ignite your Agni- the fire in your digestion. What you eat dictates your mood, your movements and your thinking. We can guide you to that balanced, happy, compassionate life you deserve. Diet, meditation and yoga practice (not a class – a lifelong style). Come join in. #meditationpractice#ayurvedalifestyle #yogalifestyle#detoxayurveda #ccftea#cleansingmindbodyandsoul#livingaware

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